About River Parish Contractors

Our Vision
We have a vision. We’ve set our standards high. We will endeavor to live up to them. A large part of our vision is people and a commitment to build bridges of good and effective communication. One of our main objectives is to build team relationships with our clients, associates, vendors and sub-contractors. In order to accomplish the goals and objectives of team relationships in the execution of our projects, we commit to building solid bridges of communication for safe, quality and timely execution of our projects.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to be at your service! To meet the needs of our clients…we are at your service. To our friends and associates…We are here to serve and to help. Our purpose is to build success through high standards…RPC standards!

Our Mission
At River Parish Contractors our mission is to provide construction, turnaround and maintenance services with skilled management and craftsmen who place emphasis in cost containment through a continuous improvement process and what we believe are the highest standards in the industry for safety, quality, timely execution and team work!